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AD| Watergate Bay with Joules

If you have followed me for a while, you will know that if you were to chop me in half, rather like a stick of rock, I would say ‘Cornwall’ all through
We used to have a holiday house in Perranporth, a three story Victorian house of dreams, with the beach at the end of the road. We absolutely loved it. Sadly we had to sell it a few years ago when Gav was diagnosed as it suddenly turned in to a stress, not a joy. So, since then we have camped. CAMPED. I KNOW. Camping in Cornwall is the best thing in the world, IF the weather  is good. Equally its HELL ON ACTUAL EARTH when its blowing a gale and tipping it down and someone decides they need the loo and have to walk across a field to get to the loo block, risking life and limb! And then they come back DAMP. Omg.
Back in November Gav suggested a weekend away in Cornwall – in the camper van. IN NOVEMBER…when it gets dark before tea time and the loo block is STILL a small hike across the field. I managed to persuade him (& tbh it didn’t take much arm twisting – November and all..) to book Watergate Bay for a couple of nights – and THAT was where we fell on love with the place. I hadn’t realised until we got there that they are partnered with JOULES – so the staff all wear Joules and there are Joules mugs and branding all over the hotel. It’s really cool to see brands supporting each other and its also really cool to see the staff, who are all different shapes and sizes absolutely ROCKING the clothes.
SO! when Joules got in touch asking if I’d like to spend 2 nights at Watergate Bay with them, well, I was all over it. YASSSSSSS!!!!!!
I flew down there and Laura Ann from @allthatspretty and Caire from @ThisLittleHouse were on the same flight – 45 minutes later we touched down in Newquay!
The taxi from the airport to the hotel was only about 5 minutes so we arrived at 11 am at exactly the same time as Cara from @Carasuthers (my roomie – the one with the good hair) and @sarahrosegoes who is LOVELY!!
Our room had been fittingly pimped with extra Joules touches – we were in room 122 (coincidentally the same room that Gav and I had stayed in, in November – they’d made the beds up as two singles this time tho obvs!)


We met the Joules team and all had a lovely lunch together in the Living Space

After lunch we were whisked off to the Spa for a treatment, I chose a full body massage – I was really worried I would fall asleep during it and miss it!! She had magic hands and it was such a treat.

And that evening we were treated to an amazing Gin Master-Class  from Warner’s who taught us all about their gin – my favourites were the Honeybee gin and the Sloe gin (sweet tooth over here) – the bottles are sooo pretty – like a rainbow and the company ethos is sustainable and local with natural, homegrown ingredients and a secret recipe !

We decided a little stroll along the beach was in order – and dressed for the outing…it was tipping it down with rain and blowing a hoolie, but nobody minded – after all there’s no such thing as the wrong weather, right? Just the wrong clothes. And we were prepared for ALL weather! Lol (My raincoat is linked here)

Clearly none of us are models and we are all different shapes and sizes – and one thing Joules is really proud of this year, is that the swimwear shots for the SS19 collection are inclusive and not airbrushed.
We definitely had a laugh and it gave the builders something to watch while they had their cuppa !
Once we were safely back indoors and dressed again – we were whisked off for a Flower Pressing Workshop led by the lovely Ellie from @theflowerpressshop  – which was brilliant as my idea of flower pressing was to press them for YEARS in a book and forget all about them haha!
THIS is a revelation…. You PRESS them using an iron!!
Choose your flowers
Pop them between two sheets of baking paper
Press down hard with a hot iron – No steam!! and literally press, don’t move the iron around and let them cool completely before framing them


We all had such a lovely time doing these, just pressing and chatting around a huge table with views out to the ocean, it was lovely – they are such a lovely group and it was a real treat to meet some of the mums too.
Lunch was served in Rojanos in Padstow and we had a very windy wander to the Joules store and a mooch around the town – Padstow is so pretty but beware the seagulls, they are literally hardmen maffia!

As if we weren’t already full enough – that evening we were treated to dinner in Jamie Oliver’s 15, a short walk across the carpark from the hotel 
It’s a gorgeous place with super friendly staff and very handsome chefs

We settled on the tasting menu – and celebrated our new found friendships ( and old ones!) with a cocktail or two

the gorgeous @sarahrosegoes and her lovely mum

Isn’t Instagram fab – I appreciate these opportunities so much, and it was such a treat to be in my favourite place with such lovely ladies. Memories to cherish!
As Ever
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2 Thoughts on AD| Watergate Bay with Joules
    15 Mar 2019

    The hotel looks fabulous. What a fantastic view from the pool. How lucky were you to be able to enjoy all of this. Loved reading your report thank you for sharing. Love – Jill

    16 Mar 2019

    It’s fabulous! What a wonderful opportunity!! Joules and watergate bay = perfection xxxx

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