Afternoon Tea With Sophie Allport – Post created with beautiful gifted items from Sophie Allport, and my Emergency Biscuits (I’ll link the recipe) and a dawg.
It’s Summer. The sun is out and instead of slugging back a hurried tea or coffee in the kitchen, why not jazz up the whole affair and make it pretty?
You know I love a bit of a faff – I enjoy the creativity and find it helps to clear my mind. I know there’s not always time, but if a friend is popping by, it’s lovely to make them feel really special and pullout a stop or two. Plus having tea in the garden means the mess in the kitchen can be ignored for a bit longer. Haha
Some of you may have seen my IG post where I was faffing with flowers in tiny bud vases, and it looks like the vases are suspended mid-air – the 45mm lens on the camera helped with the magic. In reality I hung a bamboo pole from the arbour and hung the bud vases on that – if you don’t have bud vases (mine were found in a charity shop) you could easily hang little posies upside down or if you are confident with your string tying – jam jars look pretty too.
Sophie Allport has so many lovely collections to choose from – I love bees, so naturally that was my choice! Honey tea, models’ own. Incase you haven’t come across the brand before, Sophie Allport is a lovely homeware brand, famous for its kitchen fabrics and bone china,
Rediscovered a love of a French Fancy! Honey Bee bowls make them even more fancyshmancy.
We can’t go any further without mentioning the obvious though. The star of the show. I know! THE EMERGENCY BISCUITS!
Now, this is a family recipe that has been handed down through the generations – I shared it in an earlier blog post and felt like I had broken the Official Secrets’ Act – However I stand by the decision, and feel its my duty to share – you need the Emergency Biscuit Recipe in your armoury! (they take 10 minutes to make and are foolproof. Also they are delicious) Recipe Here… but keep it to yourself oy oy the walls have ears..
They won’t last long, so I’d make two batches… Just sayin’
They go really well with coffee. Don’t even think about dunking them though, you animal ! (The Sophie Allport coffee mugs are a lovely shape and have lots of little yellow bees on the inside)
I tied the Bee Napkins with a bit of raffia.
A word to the wise though – check the size of the jugs before you order! I thought this one was going to be huge… it’s tiny! Tiny jugs still have their place though..
My last little tip for you, would be to not work with animals when you are trying to photograph stuff for a blog post…..
But don’t worry! No biscuits were harmed !
Also… Spaniel for sale. Or free.
Hope I have given you a few ideas ! You can find the Bees Collection, here
Just a short post this time
As ever thanks for reading!
Ps the items were gifted with no expectation to write a post, although I said I would like to as I thought it would look really pretty. And I fancied a little faff. And an excuse to eat biscuits…

What a lovely read Sally!
I loved the fact that Molly guarded the biscuits for you Haha!
I’m also tempted to give the recipe a go too!
Looks lovely Sally. I’m loving being able to sit out in this weather and your tips make it more special. Looking forward to trying your emergency biscuit recipe xx
Della says, thanks so much for the post.Much thanks again. Really Cool.
I love this! Am I allowed to comment about alternatives to the hanging bud vases? You’ll have to delete me if I’m not allowed , cause I’m going to comment anyway.
I’ve always loved blog posts like this, but never managed to find little bud vases (not in my almost none-existent budget anyway), neither do I possess adequate string tying skills to be confident I could string up a full sized jam jar without the risk of them dropping off etc.
I save the teeny jars that herbs & spices come in – you need a few together for effect, and obvs can’t put large blooms in, but smaller, more delicate flowers, or 1 small rose & some gypsahillia fit, and they’re lighter so less “string tying skills needed”. Some of them you can just about squeeze a tea light in (minus flowers!) as well, although I’ve not tried hanging tea lights!! Love this blog, glad I recently found you!!!!
of course!
I absolutely love your ideas ! And I am sorry for the very late reply! xxx